Live planning Applications within Rhewl/Mostyn Wards as of 02/09/2024:
Click link:
Open applications September 2024
Planning Applications
From time to time you may receive a letter from Flintshire Council containing information of planning applications that have been made near your property. These may also be displayed in public nearby e.g. lamp post, shop window etc. You can comment on any planning application not just ones you have received a letter for.
You can search for applications and comment at the following website (you will need to register)
If you wish to object or support a planning application you can also do so by letter:
Head of Planning, County Hall, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 6NF.
And email
In your response you should clearly state whether your support or oppose the application and include the following:
- Site address of application
- Description of proposal
- Application number (if known)
- Your name
- Your address
- Your comments about the proposal
The issues you raise must involve planning matters such as:
- Impact on residential amenity (e.g. hours of use, loss of privacy, loss of light, over dominance, noise, traffic)
- Impact on the character and appearance of an area (design, appearance and intensity)
- Impact on highway safety (e.g. poor visibility, pedestrian safety, parking)
- Impact on community facilities
- Planning policies and proposals, or Government planning advice.
Flintshire Council cannot take into account comments on the following types of concerns:
- Personal characteristics of the applicant
- The effect of the proposal on property values
- Disturbances during building work
- Loss of view
- Private rights of way, private drains and other private easements and legal covenants
- Disputes over land ownership
- Commercial competition
- Building Regulation issues (e.g. structural stability, drainage, fire precautions, hygiene and internal space).
Flintshire Council is the authority that makes planning decisions; Mostyn Community Council can only raise concerns.
Best Halloween Garden Winners Announced!
Following the success of the recent scarecrow competition, Mostyn Community Council launched another community competition – this time for best dressed Halloween garden. There were 20 entries, all of which were outstanding!
Councillors Pam Banks, Kristina Howells & Meg Howells collectively judged the competition on Halloween night, declaring it an incredibly difficult competition to judge with all entrants to win a prize.
The 1st prize of £100 Tesco vouchers went to Trisha Conway, shared 2nd prizes of £50 Tesco vouchers went to Catherine Salisbury, Samantha Hughes and Victoria Ann, with joint 3rd prizes of £25 Tesco vouchers being awarded to Lindsey Owen and Diane Barratt.
There were also 8 prize winners being awarded £10 voucher each with the remainder of entrants being highly commended to receive tubs of sweets each.
Mostyn Community Council would like to thank all those who entered and showed such great community spirit. They really were a pleasure to see.
Community Scarecrow Community Competition Prize Winners Announced!
Change of use from a port to a mixed use
port and manufacturing site
2C AND 2D – Town and Country Planning (Development Management
Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012
Schedule 1B ISSUE V1.0 23.08.23
Community Scarecrow Competition 2023
Your Flintshire County Council News – 14 June 2023
In this edition:
· Draft Local Toilet Strategy 2023
· Alcohol Control Public Space Protection Order
· Dog Control Public Space Protection Order
Free SIM cards and data vouchers are available from our five Connects Centres
Your Council News – 14 June 2023 (
Planning Notice
Hybrid Committee Meeting Planned for Bychton Hall land (top of Maes Pennant)
1109400Hybrid Cttee – Public Agents CC_122
Councillor Sarah Calvert presented with plaque & flowers in recognition of service to Mostyn Community Council.
As Councillor Sarah Calvert sadly resigned from the council last month, she was invited to the Annual Meeting of Mostyn Community Council to be presented with a small token gift to thank her for her endeavours to serve the community for the past 10 years. She will be missed by all.
Coronation Event at Duke of Lancaster dock a huge success
The event held on Sunday 7th of May, in collaboration with the Duke of Lancaster team (Big Ship), was a great success with lots of stalls, entertainment, competitions and activities.
Co-option Notice – Mostyn Ward May 2023
Co-option Mostyn Ward May 2023
Public notice is hereby given that the Mostyn Community Council intends to co-opt 2 members to fill the vacancies that exist in the office of Councillor for the Mostyn ward.
Please see link for information.
Casual vacancy – Mostyn Ward
Public notice is hereby given that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Mostyn Ward of the Community of Mostyn Community Council following the resignation on 06th April 2023 of Councillor Sharon Harris.
Please see link for information.
Casual Vacancy (2) April 23 Mostyn Ward
Casual vacancy – Mostyn Ward
Public notice is hereby given that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Mostyn Ward of the Community of Mostyn Community Council following the resignation on 29th March 2023 of Councillor Sarah Calvert.
Please see link for information.
Casual Vacancy April 23 Mostyn Ward
Recent Events
Residents and Councillors learning CPR at Mostyn Community Centre in July
Community Engagement Survey 2018/2019
The Community Council are listening!!!
Thank you to those of you who responded to the community survey in December.
From your feedback to the survey we know there are people interested in IT training. We would like to hear from those who wish to develop Computer/IT skills by accessing training at Mostyn Community Centre on Wednesday mornings.
For further information please contact Cllr. Bob Hazlehurst at 01745 560053.
Work will commence at Swanfields Play Area, Rhewl to tidy up the area and install new play equipment in the forthcoming months. There were comments in the survey about it looking tired and needing new equipment.
Watch this space and we will continue to update you!
This is a request for people not to park their cars on the pavements in Mostyn and Rhewl as they are causing problems by obstructing the pavements. The Police have been made aware and will be noting the make and models of cars who are causing obstructions.